
Was It A Case Of Project Going To Lowest Bidder?

According to the source of this article (, the Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania had distributed a few years ago free pocket rulers to advertise their services to the taxpayer and promote their website.

However, on close examination, the ruler is seen to have a defect. The blunder stands out like a sore thumb. They've shorted us one centimeter! Centimeter 14 is missing.

Perhaps this is the new "Metric Lite". One should praise the DEP for an effort to promote metrication in the USA, but their design and/or printing service sabotaged the idea.

That's what you get when you contract things out to the lowest bidder. Oh, I hope not.

Following is a picture of the ruler where we got short changed by a centimeter -- note the missing 14 cm marker.

picture of OhShucks_Needed-Good-Drawings-And-Contractor-With-Common-Sense.html

beginning of Needed-Good-Drawings-And-Contractor-With-Common-Sense.html
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